Dying sounds better than living right now…

I miss you. I am trying to battle this demon on my own. For the first time in a long time I am scared. Why do I flinch if startled? Why am I  constantly startled because I am so distracted with my thoughts? Why am I here?….

I was going to try to write to you tonight, to keep myself busy and distracted, but I can tell already that I am in too dark of a place to do that.

So, instead I will say I hope you are right and that this, US, is worth it but I have to say that I am not convinced.


Run as fast as you can Moon. Don’t look back…

I’m sorry. I am so sorry…



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  1. This is heartbreaking.

  2. I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time friend. Just know that there are people around to hold you up when you feel like your falling down.

  3. Ankur

     /  October 6, 2012

    This is Very Sad………………………………..i know…….!!!!


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